Letter from CEO Jon Kruljac on Child Abuse Prevention Month

April represents renewal in many aspects of our lives, but for school age children it means the end of the school year is just around the corner. While we all long for a return to normalcy as vaccinations for COVID-19 increase and larger social gatherings become permissible, the stressors that many children have experienced during the pandemic are still prevalent in their lives. For many children, social isolation will increase as they lose access to many services and primary supports they receive during the school year.

As a society it is our obligation to protect children from harm and to do so we must first better understand responses to trauma and building resiliency in children to assist them in making progress both socially and academically. Kempe’s Trauma-Responsive Schools program provides interventions and services to school specialists, teachers, and staff to mitigate the impact of trauma and promote healing. One of our goals is to enhance opportunities for all Colorado children to be resilient and equipped to reach their full potential in and outside of school. We know that many children who have experienced trauma do build resiliency when presented with positive experiences. We can all be part of that positivity by fostering inclusion for all and promoting thriving, safe, healthy and nurturing environments through our relationships with children and in the community.

As we approach the mid-point of Child Abuse Prevention Month, it is important to remember the work to improve the well-being of children is pertinent every month of the year. While the heightened awareness during April leads to more discussion and action, we must continue to build on this momentum in the months ahead.

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